Nestled against the Canadian border, at the tippy top of the U.S. East Coast, lies the tiny town of Lubec. This town effectively marks the beginning of the Bay of Fundy, a region known for having the largest tidal range in the world (up to 50 feet in some places!). Lubec’s tides range about 18-22 feet, which is still enough to make a dramatic difference in the landscape every 6 hours or so.
I suppose the rain is good for being productive inside, and it did manage to stop long enough for a light-hearted game of soccer. Today’s weather features pea soup fog along with the rain, so we’re still waiting to go find some moms and calves for our project. Given the bumper crop of calves and our luck in Cape Cod and the Southeast this year, we’re hopeful for some good data from the Fundy feeding grounds!
As a parting note, I’ll leave you with a couple of neat comparisons: